Wednesday, September 18th
Work/Life Balance
Speaker: Steve Beck

Are you constantly behind with no end in sight or is life just moving too fast these days?

If you’re like most of us, life moves faster and is more complex now than just five years ago.       E-mail, Texting, and Cell Phones have blurred the lines between your work life and personal time by making you constantly accessible. Sadly, many people mistakenly believe that this is necessary to get more accomplished and advance their careers. Life/Work Balance is about learning how to structure your life to improve your attitude, mood, and performance both personally and professionally.

Topics covered:

  • 12 action steps to ‘Create Balance’ in everyday life
  • 10 tips to ‘Reduce Stress’ at home and at the office
  • The top 3 reasons people don’t get what they want 
  • 3 easy steps to create an ideal life so that you don’t have to look back in 10 years and wonder where the time went
  • The fundamental secrets of all successful people and how to apply them to your everyday life
  • How to seek and create a mental/physical balance so you are more present in every moment of the day
    Speaker: Steve Beck